About Islam


While MCA makes every effort to provide reliable and authentic sources and links about Islam, the information listed on these website may not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of MCA Board, its affiliates and our Imam. We advice our readers to contact our Imam for any questions or issues related to these links which they might find objectionable so that we can change or remove these links. Thank you and May GOD guide us on the straight path

ISLAM INTRODUCTION Brief Illustrated Guide to Islam – islam-guide.com
Islamic guide for non-Muslims who would like to understand Islam, Muslims (Moslems), and the Holy Quran (Koran).
Introduction To Islam – whyIslam.org
Introduction to Islam, Five Pillars of Islam, Free Information Material
Understanding Islam – islamicity.com
Information about Islam, Quran, Muslims, Islamic Principles, laws, etc
Islamic Finder – islamicfinder.org
Find information about Islam, Mosques/Muslim businesses near you, etc
New Muslim Stories – whyislam.org/forum
Stories of new Muslims, Q&A, Discuss your concerns, Forum, etc.
New Muslim Videos – turnToIslam.com
Various videos containing series of Videos showing people
Be Convinced – beconvinced.com
Explore, Discover and Be Convinced. Understand Islam, Quran, etc